Working with me

I’m a freelance consultant. I like working this way. It gives me flexibility, and it gives you flexibility. It’ll usually make economic sense if you employ me project by project, but I’ve happily worked within other arrangements, both as a retained consultant and on call-off contracts. When I’m writing I’d always prefer to work from my own desk, but I’ll spend as much time as necessary in your offices or with other staff, whether developing ideas or researching information. I’m experienced in running meetings and leading presentations.
I’d like to think I’m presentable myself, and personable. I have the knowledge, experience, and intellectual rigour to command the respect of senior executives. If possible I like to be involved at the early stage of a brief’s development. I can help with that development, and it will give me an immediate insight into the constraints on the project.
With my experience I can often start work even when the brief is unclear, difficult or your ideas uncertain. Equally if you know exactly what you want I can move quickly to digest any background information or research material and develop effective ideas.
I will happily work with people you already have in place, or if it helps I’ll commission support from designers, programmers and printers on your behalf, and manage them through the course of the project.
I’ll also teach and lecture on best practice as stand alone sessions or part of a broader course. Talk to me about what you want to achieve, and we'll work out the best way to achieve it.
Once the brief is clear I’d expect to give you an accurate estimate of fees and costs. My fees are usually based on a day rate of around £500 (it’s actually an hourly rate of £70). That will cover all basic costs, though if travel to places other than your main office is required those costs will be chargeable. If I’m commissioning third party suppliers I’d recommend they bill you directly (I will charge a standard markup of 17.65 per cent on supplier costs invoiced by me).
If as it develops the project looks like it will differ significantly from the estimate (plus or minus 10 per cent in terms of the time it is taking) I would want to discuss that deviation as soon as it becomes apparent and agree a variation in fee. I would expect to bill most projects on completion, though if the project is set to run over many months we may need to agree interim billing.